Sunday, 17 May 2015

Xenia and kleos in the Odyssey:

Xenia- hospitality
Kleos- a Greek earns kleos by carrying out great deeds. Kelos is what people have heard about you.

Xenia in the Odyssey:

  • Xenia towards Telemachus-
    • Nestor-
      • Nestor allows Telemachus to stay with him for a night. 
      • Nestor invited Telemachus to join him and his sons at the banquet. 
      • Nestor makes drink offerings to Athene. 
      • After Nestor offers the xenia to Telemachus he asks him who his friends are and where he comes from.
      • Nestor then tell Telemachus a story about the Trojan war.
      • Nestor then allowed Telemachus to stay overnight in his palace. 
      • Nestor then give Telemachus a chariot and his son, Pesistratus who is to accompany him to Spata, to Menelaus and Helen's palace. 
    • Menelaus and Helen-
      • Menelaus' squire Eteoneous has bad xenia as he is against Telemachus and Pesistratus coming into the palace and refuses to tie the horses up. 
      • Menelaus offers good xenia, he greets the guests and sits them down to have a meal with himself and Helen. 
      • Menelaus begins to tell Telemachus about the Trojan war and how women cannot be trusted. 
      • Menelaus tells Telemachus he looks just like Odysseus which is when Telemachus tells him he is truly the son of Odysseus. 
      • After they have spoken more, Telemachus spends a night in the palace. In the morning Menelaus says he will put him up for twelve more days so he can then have glorious gifts off of him. 
      • Menelaus gave Telemachus a mixing bowl of wrought which was handcrafted by Hephaestus. 
  • Xenia towards Odysseus-
    • Calypso-
      • Calypso lets Odysseus go when the gods tell her that he needs to go. 
      • She feeds Odysseus and lets him sleep with her. 
      • She provides him with the materials to make his raft. 
      • She sends him off with a favourable wind.
    • The Phaeacians- 
      • They listen to Odysseus' stories. 
      • They let Odysseus stay in the palace 
      • They feast with Odysseus. 
      • They tell Odysseus about their stories and their bard Demodocus sings songs with his lyre. 
      • They allow Odysseus to compete in the Phaeacian games. 
    • Circe-
      • Circe feasts with Odysseus and feeds him crew members every night which they stay. 
      • Circe allows Odysseus to sleep with her. 
      • Circe listens to Odysseus' stories which he tells her. 
      • She lets him leave when he wants to. 
    • Eumaeus- 
      • Eumaeus lets the beggar Odysseus to stay with him even though he isnt dressed like one of the Ithacans which would be more acceptable.
      • Eumaeus takes Odyssues to town to make sure he knows where he is going. 
      • He does as Telemachus tells him to do, go to town  and talk to Penelope. 
      • He allows Odysseus to stay with him even though Odysseus says that he can leave if he is too much hastle. 
      • Eumaeus defends Odysseus when the cowheard Melanthius, attacks him. 


  1. hi my name is skye sturm and id just like to say this site wrote my essay i did no weork what so ever

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