Monday, 18 May 2015

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 2

1. Write down the first line in the book, what does it mean?
"As soon as Dawn appeared fresh and rosy fingered"- Dawn is the sun god and when she rises the day begins.
2. How does Athene help Telemachus prepare for the assembly?
"Athene endowed him with such supernatural grace that all eyes were turned on him in admiration"- she gave him some confidence so that he could speak in public.
3. How do the elders show Telemachus respect as he arrives?
"The elders made way for him as he took his fathers seat"- they are respectful towards Telemachus which juxtaposes how the suitors act towards Telemachus.
4. What reason does Telemachus give for calling an assembly?
To get rid of the suitors so that Odysseus can return the same way he left Ithaca.
5. Who is Icarius?
The father of Penelope.
6. How does Antinous react to Telemachus' accusations?
He is angry at Telemachus because he is putting all of the blame on the suitors.
7. What deception did Penelope use to avoid having to choose a new husband?
She is weaving a shroud for Laertes (despite him not being dead yet) and she tells the suitors that when she has finished weaving it she will marry one of them. During the day Penelope weaves the shroud but during the knit she unpicks what she has done in the day and so the shroud would take so much longer. This went on for three years before the Suitors were told what she was doing by a untrustworthy maid.
8. How does Antinous criticize Penelope?
He calls her an "incomparable schemer"
9. How does he flatter her?
"She ma be winning a great name for herself"
10. What sign does Zeus send in response to Telemachus' threat against the suitors?
"Zeus the thunderer urged two eagles into flight from the mountain top" which gave looks of "foreboding death"
11. How is it interpreted?
That Odysseus is going to return. Halitherses was the one who interpreted it.
12. What prophecy about Odysseus is made?
That Odysseus would return home after twenty years and after much suffering.
13. What is Telemachus planning to do now?
Go to Pylos to see if he could hear any news on Odysseus. If he finds out that his father is dead then he will return home and marry his mother off to one of the suitors.
14. Who is Mentor?
He was an old friend of Odysseus who has been entrusted with looking after Odysseus' land for Odysseus whilst he was at the Trojan war.
15. How does he describe the suitors?
"black hearted"
16. Why, according to Athene, will Telemachus be successful?
"by no means lacking in Odysseus' resourcefulness" "you will be no fool or coward in the future"
17. Athene calls herself Odysseus'......?
18. What signs indicate that Telemachus feels more confident after Athene's visit?
He heard her voice
19. Who is Eurycleia?
Odysseus and Telemachus' nurse. She is the daughter of Ops, Peisoners son, and was brought by Laertes.
20. What does the crew do as soon as the ship has gathered speed?
"They took out the mixing bowls, filled them to the brim with wine and poured libations to the immortal gods"

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