Monday 18 May 2015

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 7

1. How does Athene protect Odysseus as he approaches the city?
She puts a magical mist around him to protect him from other peoples questions.
2. What special gifts have the gods given to the Phaeacians?

  • Poseidon
    • He favours the Phaeacians 
  • Hephaestus
    • "on either side stood gold and silver to watch over the palace"
  • Athene
    • "Athene has given them outstanding arts and beautiful skill"
  • The West Wind
    • "there is never a time the West Winds breath is not assisting here the bud"
3. Compare Odysseus' supplication of Arete with his supplication of Nausicaa in book 6 and account for the differences
Odysseus threw himself at Arete's knees whereas he was more civilised with Nausicaa. 
4. What help does Alcinous propose to give Odysseus? 
Alcinous proposes to give Odysseus a ship and crew to get him home under safety from the Phaeacians.
5. Which of Arete's questions does Odysseus answer and which does he not answer? 
"Who are you? Where do you come from? and who gave you these clothes?" He only tells her that he has just come from Ogygia. 
6. Read Odysseus' account of his recent adventures: what does he change? 
He doesn't tell the Phaeacians that Ino gave him protection 

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