Monday, 18 May 2015

The Odyssey questions and answers: Book 6

1. What does she look like?
beautiful and young
2. Show how well she knows and gets round her father.
She says she needs to wash clothes so he looks presentable for his meetings and so her unmarried brothers will find good wives.
3. How does she show courage?
She doesn't run away from Odysseus- however Athene was the one who gave Nausicaa the courage to not run away from the naked Odysseus.
4. What do we learn about the Phaeacians and their special status?
Scherie (where the Phaeacians live) is at the edge of the world and the Phaeacians come into contact with no other people. the Phaeacians are "godlike" and are favoured by Poseidon.
5. How does she show her good sense?
She makes Odysseus walk behind her to avoid gossip. She tells him the directions to Athene's woods and then ask somebody from the village where the palace is. She says that she wont take Odysseus there herself as the girls in the village like to gossip and will assume that Odysseus and her are together, she doesnt want to be in the center of attention.
6. How does she show Odysseus hospitality?
She gives him clothes and she invites him to her home.
7. References to marriage:

  • "her future husband no doubt"
  • "she was too shy to mention to her father the subject of marriage and all of its promises" 
8. How does Odysseus show his tact and good sense? 
He considers throwing his arms around Nausicaa's knees or keep his distance but he decided it would be better to keep his distance. He covers himself when he emerges from the bush towards Nausicaa. 

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