Monday 18 May 2015

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 3

1. How does Nestor show xenia to Telemachus?

  • He prepared a banquet 
  • Shared his stories with Telemachus
  • Doesn't ask Telemachus' name 
  • Has good manors
  • Made drink offerings to the gods
2. How do they recognize that "Mentor" is in fact Athene?
She flew away in the form of a vulture
3. Who travels in the chariot with Telemachus and where do they go? 
Pesistratus (Nestors son), and they go to Sparta
4. Evidence that Nestor has a god opinion of Telemachus? (kleos)
  • "Ah, my friend"
  • "What a tall and splendid young man you have become"
  • "I cannot help but look at you in awe: you talk exactly as he did, and I should have sworn a man could resemble him in speed"
  • "The future generations will sing your praises"

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