Monday 18 May 2015

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 9

1. Refer back to book 8, where is Odysseus while he relates this?
The land of the Phaeacians (Scherie)
2. How does he feel about his home, Ithaca?
He misses it
3. Which two females have detained him on his way home?
Calypso and Circe
4. What mistake did Odysseus' "fools of men" make at Ismarus?
They refused to escape when Odysseus told them to and consequently six of the men died.
5. What happens to those who eat the lotus-fruit?
They forgot everything. "Those who ate the honeyed fruit of the plant lost any wish to come back and bring its news"
6. How does Homer deal with this situation?
"I had to use force to bring them back to the hollow ships" "once on board i tied them up and dragged them under the benches"
7. Quote the phrase that describes the Cyclops:
"a fierce lawless people" "who never lift a hand to plant or plow but just leave everything to the immortal gods"
8. What is Odysseus' plan?
He picks the twelve best men to go with him to try and find the Cyclops.
9. What do they find in Polyphemus' cave?
Baskets filled with cheeses and folds filled with lambs and kids (penned). Well made vessels and pails and bows used for milking whey.
10. What do the men beg Odysseus to do?
To kill the cyclops
11. Why wouldn't he do this?
They wouldn't be able to escape the cave because the boulder over the door is so big.
12. How does Homer indicate the size of the stone which closes the cave?
"it was a mighty slab, twenty-two-or-more wheeled wagons could not shift such a massive stone"
13. What is unusual in the Cyclops asking his questions as soon as he notices them?
"are you cruising the main on chance"
14. What information does Odysseus carefully omit when introducing himself?
He tells Polyphemus that his name is "Nobody" and that he is an Achaean on his way home from Troy
15. Why does Polyphemus reject the pleas of a supplicant?
"we cyclopes care nothing for Zeus" "I would never spare you or your men for fear of offending Zeus' emity unless I felt like it"
16. What barbarous act does he commit before sleeping?
"He jumped up and reaching put towards my men seized a couple and dashed their heads against the floor" "he tore them to pieces to make his meal"
17. What does he have for breakfast?
More of Odysseus' men
18. What gift does Odysseus give Polyphemus?
Some wine
19. What gift does Polyphemus offer Odysseus?
That he will eat Odysseus last
20. What does Odysseus say his name is?
21. Give one horrid detail of what happens whilst Polyphemus sleeps?
"seizing the olive pole, they drove its sharpened end into the cyclopes' eye"
22. Give one horrid detail of the blinding episode?
"The scorching heat singed his lids and brow all round while his eyeball blazed and the very roots crackled in flames"

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 8

1. What's the name of the bard at Alcinous' palace?
2. What is the subject of the bard's first song?
The famous deeds of the heroes- the quarrel  of Odysseus and Achilles son Peleus.
3. How does this song affect Odysseus and why do you think this is so?
He drew the purple cloak over his head and began to cry- he didn't want the Phaeacians to see him crying.
4. What is the subject of the bard's second song?
Ares and Aphrodite- Aphrodite had an affair on Hephaestus with Ares, Hephaestus cunningly caught them.
5. What gifts does Odysseus receive from each of the 13 princes?
The princes gave him fresh cloaks, tunics and a talent of sterling gold. Eurylaus gave him a sword of bronze which has a silver hut and a newly carved ivory handle.
6. Why does Eurylaus have to make a special gift?
Because he undermined Odysseus and offended him
7. What is the subject of the bard's third song?
The stratagem of the trojan horse.
8. At what point exactly does Alcinous learn the identity of his guest?
When he sees Odysseus crying during the songs.
9. What is special about Phaeacian ships and what is the prophecy associated with them?
Poseidon said that some day the gods would wreck one of their fine ships on the misty sea as she came home from a journey- thats what the old king used to say.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 7

1. How does Athene protect Odysseus as he approaches the city?
She puts a magical mist around him to protect him from other peoples questions.
2. What special gifts have the gods given to the Phaeacians?

  • Poseidon
    • He favours the Phaeacians 
  • Hephaestus
    • "on either side stood gold and silver to watch over the palace"
  • Athene
    • "Athene has given them outstanding arts and beautiful skill"
  • The West Wind
    • "there is never a time the West Winds breath is not assisting here the bud"
3. Compare Odysseus' supplication of Arete with his supplication of Nausicaa in book 6 and account for the differences
Odysseus threw himself at Arete's knees whereas he was more civilised with Nausicaa. 
4. What help does Alcinous propose to give Odysseus? 
Alcinous proposes to give Odysseus a ship and crew to get him home under safety from the Phaeacians.
5. Which of Arete's questions does Odysseus answer and which does he not answer? 
"Who are you? Where do you come from? and who gave you these clothes?" He only tells her that he has just come from Ogygia. 
6. Read Odysseus' account of his recent adventures: what does he change? 
He doesn't tell the Phaeacians that Ino gave him protection 

The Odyssey questions and answers: Book 6

1. What does she look like?
beautiful and young
2. Show how well she knows and gets round her father.
She says she needs to wash clothes so he looks presentable for his meetings and so her unmarried brothers will find good wives.
3. How does she show courage?
She doesn't run away from Odysseus- however Athene was the one who gave Nausicaa the courage to not run away from the naked Odysseus.
4. What do we learn about the Phaeacians and their special status?
Scherie (where the Phaeacians live) is at the edge of the world and the Phaeacians come into contact with no other people. the Phaeacians are "godlike" and are favoured by Poseidon.
5. How does she show her good sense?
She makes Odysseus walk behind her to avoid gossip. She tells him the directions to Athene's woods and then ask somebody from the village where the palace is. She says that she wont take Odysseus there herself as the girls in the village like to gossip and will assume that Odysseus and her are together, she doesnt want to be in the center of attention.
6. How does she show Odysseus hospitality?
She gives him clothes and she invites him to her home.
7. References to marriage:

  • "her future husband no doubt"
  • "she was too shy to mention to her father the subject of marriage and all of its promises" 
8. How does Odysseus show his tact and good sense? 
He considers throwing his arms around Nausicaa's knees or keep his distance but he decided it would be better to keep his distance. He covers himself when he emerges from the bush towards Nausicaa. 

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 5

1. How is Odysseus introduced?
He is sat on the beach crying because he misses his home in Ithaca.
2. Why does Calypso agree to Odysseus' release?
Calypso is just a nymph and so she cannot go against the gods as that would be impious.
3. Calypso accuses the gods of hypocrisy. What reason does she give?
Because they can marry mortals yet she cannot keep and marry Odysseus on her island.
4. Read the domestic scene when Odysseus and Calypso are having dinner together. What is significant here?
The last supper- it is like the biblical story where they sit down and have their last meal together.
5. What do we learn about Odysseus' qualities and strengths in the raft building scene?
he is good at building- he is a handy man. A Greek audience would find this interesting as they were manual labourers and so they would understand how difficult it  is to build one. It adds to Odysseus' godlike qualities.
6. is this episode interesting to a modern audience? Why/ why not?
It isn't interesting to a monder audience as we rely on machines and not all of us are crafty and so we dont understand why Odysseus does it in the order he does. To the Greeks it was an art but to use its just another job.
7. What parts is played in this book by Poseidon?
He sends Odysseus a massive wave which will destroy his raft.
8. What advice is given to Odysseus by the sea goddess Leucothoe?
She tells him to take her veil and wrap it around his waist as it will protect him.
9. What help is given by Athene?
She sends him a good wind, and she gives him extra strength so he can hold onto the rock.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 4

1. What do we discover about Menelaus and Helens' stay in Egypt?
  • They were stranded there 
  •  They were offered good xenia
2. Who is Eidothee? Why does she help Menelaus?
She is the daughter of the Old Man of the Sea, she decieved her father by helping Menelaus.
3. What does the episode featuring the Old Man of the Sea (Proteus) ass to the poem?
It makes the story exciting, vivid and mysterious.
4. What does Proteus tell Menelaus about Odysseus?
"there is a third who, though still alive, is a prisoner somewhere in the vastness of the seas"
5. How do the suitors learn that Telemachus has gone to Sparta?
The man who lends Telemachus the ship, Noeman, asks the suitors if they know when Telemachus will return with his ship as he needs it soon.
6. What does the suitor, Antinous plan to do?
Ambush Telemachus.
7. How is suspense created at the end of book 4?
It leaves it on a cliff hanger.
Dramatic irony- we know the suitors plans to murder Telemachus but Telemachus doesnt know that he is in danger.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 3

1. How does Nestor show xenia to Telemachus?

  • He prepared a banquet 
  • Shared his stories with Telemachus
  • Doesn't ask Telemachus' name 
  • Has good manors
  • Made drink offerings to the gods
2. How do they recognize that "Mentor" is in fact Athene?
She flew away in the form of a vulture
3. Who travels in the chariot with Telemachus and where do they go? 
Pesistratus (Nestors son), and they go to Sparta
4. Evidence that Nestor has a god opinion of Telemachus? (kleos)
  • "Ah, my friend"
  • "What a tall and splendid young man you have become"
  • "I cannot help but look at you in awe: you talk exactly as he did, and I should have sworn a man could resemble him in speed"
  • "The future generations will sing your praises"

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 2

1. Write down the first line in the book, what does it mean?
"As soon as Dawn appeared fresh and rosy fingered"- Dawn is the sun god and when she rises the day begins.
2. How does Athene help Telemachus prepare for the assembly?
"Athene endowed him with such supernatural grace that all eyes were turned on him in admiration"- she gave him some confidence so that he could speak in public.
3. How do the elders show Telemachus respect as he arrives?
"The elders made way for him as he took his fathers seat"- they are respectful towards Telemachus which juxtaposes how the suitors act towards Telemachus.
4. What reason does Telemachus give for calling an assembly?
To get rid of the suitors so that Odysseus can return the same way he left Ithaca.
5. Who is Icarius?
The father of Penelope.
6. How does Antinous react to Telemachus' accusations?
He is angry at Telemachus because he is putting all of the blame on the suitors.
7. What deception did Penelope use to avoid having to choose a new husband?
She is weaving a shroud for Laertes (despite him not being dead yet) and she tells the suitors that when she has finished weaving it she will marry one of them. During the day Penelope weaves the shroud but during the knit she unpicks what she has done in the day and so the shroud would take so much longer. This went on for three years before the Suitors were told what she was doing by a untrustworthy maid.
8. How does Antinous criticize Penelope?
He calls her an "incomparable schemer"
9. How does he flatter her?
"She ma be winning a great name for herself"
10. What sign does Zeus send in response to Telemachus' threat against the suitors?
"Zeus the thunderer urged two eagles into flight from the mountain top" which gave looks of "foreboding death"
11. How is it interpreted?
That Odysseus is going to return. Halitherses was the one who interpreted it.
12. What prophecy about Odysseus is made?
That Odysseus would return home after twenty years and after much suffering.
13. What is Telemachus planning to do now?
Go to Pylos to see if he could hear any news on Odysseus. If he finds out that his father is dead then he will return home and marry his mother off to one of the suitors.
14. Who is Mentor?
He was an old friend of Odysseus who has been entrusted with looking after Odysseus' land for Odysseus whilst he was at the Trojan war.
15. How does he describe the suitors?
"black hearted"
16. Why, according to Athene, will Telemachus be successful?
"by no means lacking in Odysseus' resourcefulness" "you will be no fool or coward in the future"
17. Athene calls herself Odysseus'......?
18. What signs indicate that Telemachus feels more confident after Athene's visit?
He heard her voice
19. Who is Eurycleia?
Odysseus and Telemachus' nurse. She is the daughter of Ops, Peisoners son, and was brought by Laertes.
20. What does the crew do as soon as the ship has gathered speed?
"They took out the mixing bowls, filled them to the brim with wine and poured libations to the immortal gods"

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 1

1. What is missing from the proem?
2. What do we find out about Odysseus?
He is trapped on an island with a nymph when he couldn't save his men.
3. Why is Poseidon angry?
Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus the cyclops.
4. What types of gods does Homer present?
Judging, criticizing and powerful, they are like a family.
5. How do the gods match your expectations?
They meet them- you expect the gods to be powerful and stronger than humans.
6. What kind of mortality system does Zeus invoke?
Mortals choose to do bad things (hubris mostly) and so they gods inflict punishments on mortals- even if the god does not want to punish- they restore order and make the mortals stay in line where they belong.
7. Why is Athene so concerned with Telemachus?
Every god has a favourite mortal. Odysseus is Telemachus' because he is like her- they have the same personality traits.
8. What is happening in Ithaca when Athene goes to goes disguised to Ithaca to see Telemachus?
There are 108 suitors who are at the palace wanting Penelope's hand in marriage.
9. Why start in Ithaca, not with Odysseus?
To give background information and to add tension.
10. Hospitality is a key theme, what is expected of a host and what is expected of a guest?

  • Host: 
    • Provides clothes
    • Provides the best possible food and drink
    • Give the guest a really good gift
    • Polite towards the guest
    • Does not ask the guests name 
    • Does not tell the guest when to leave
  • Guest: 
    • Tells the stories of their travels 
    • Shows the host they other gifts which they have received
    • Tells the host their name when they feel suitable

Sunday 17 May 2015

Xenia and kleos in the Odyssey:

Xenia- hospitality
Kleos- a Greek earns kleos by carrying out great deeds. Kelos is what people have heard about you.

Xenia in the Odyssey:

  • Xenia towards Telemachus-
    • Nestor-
      • Nestor allows Telemachus to stay with him for a night. 
      • Nestor invited Telemachus to join him and his sons at the banquet. 
      • Nestor makes drink offerings to Athene. 
      • After Nestor offers the xenia to Telemachus he asks him who his friends are and where he comes from.
      • Nestor then tell Telemachus a story about the Trojan war.
      • Nestor then allowed Telemachus to stay overnight in his palace. 
      • Nestor then give Telemachus a chariot and his son, Pesistratus who is to accompany him to Spata, to Menelaus and Helen's palace. 
    • Menelaus and Helen-
      • Menelaus' squire Eteoneous has bad xenia as he is against Telemachus and Pesistratus coming into the palace and refuses to tie the horses up. 
      • Menelaus offers good xenia, he greets the guests and sits them down to have a meal with himself and Helen. 
      • Menelaus begins to tell Telemachus about the Trojan war and how women cannot be trusted. 
      • Menelaus tells Telemachus he looks just like Odysseus which is when Telemachus tells him he is truly the son of Odysseus. 
      • After they have spoken more, Telemachus spends a night in the palace. In the morning Menelaus says he will put him up for twelve more days so he can then have glorious gifts off of him. 
      • Menelaus gave Telemachus a mixing bowl of wrought which was handcrafted by Hephaestus. 
  • Xenia towards Odysseus-
    • Calypso-
      • Calypso lets Odysseus go when the gods tell her that he needs to go. 
      • She feeds Odysseus and lets him sleep with her. 
      • She provides him with the materials to make his raft. 
      • She sends him off with a favourable wind.
    • The Phaeacians- 
      • They listen to Odysseus' stories. 
      • They let Odysseus stay in the palace 
      • They feast with Odysseus. 
      • They tell Odysseus about their stories and their bard Demodocus sings songs with his lyre. 
      • They allow Odysseus to compete in the Phaeacian games. 
    • Circe-
      • Circe feasts with Odysseus and feeds him crew members every night which they stay. 
      • Circe allows Odysseus to sleep with her. 
      • Circe listens to Odysseus' stories which he tells her. 
      • She lets him leave when he wants to. 
    • Eumaeus- 
      • Eumaeus lets the beggar Odysseus to stay with him even though he isnt dressed like one of the Ithacans which would be more acceptable.
      • Eumaeus takes Odyssues to town to make sure he knows where he is going. 
      • He does as Telemachus tells him to do, go to town  and talk to Penelope. 
      • He allows Odysseus to stay with him even though Odysseus says that he can leave if he is too much hastle. 
      • Eumaeus defends Odysseus when the cowheard Melanthius, attacks him. 

What is the greatest threat to Odysseus in the Odyssey? Essay plan

What threatens Odysseus' travels in the Odyssey?
  • The Gods- 
    • Poseidon- Poseidon hinders Odysseus' journey continuously since Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus. Poseidon send Odysseus storms, which wreck his ship and he punishes the Phaeacians after then help Odysseus by taking him back to Ithaca. 
    • Athene- Athene doesn't pose such a great threat to him as she is helping him for most of the Odyssey, however when Odysseus starts to offend her she gets wound up which would result in threat as she is so powerful. 
    • Zeus- Zeus poses a threat as he allows Poseidon to punish the Phaeacians, he punished Odysseus' men because they ate Hyperion's cattle and he warns men about their behaviour before he has to punish them for it. He doesn't pose a huge threat however as he doesn't intervene with Odysseus' travels much as he only grants other gods to help Odysseus. 
    • Hermes- Hermes helps Odysseus, he is the messenger who goes to Caylpso to tell her to let Odysseus leave Ogygia because Zeus said so, then he also game Odysseus some Moly, which is the antidote to Circe's poison which turns men into pigs. 
  • Monsters- 
    • Cicones- they are Thracians living in Ismarus. They pose a threat to Odysseus as they started a battle, Odysseus killing six of his men from each of his ships. 
    • Lotus-eaters- the lotus-eaters meant no harm to Odysseus or his crew members. They fed some of Odysseus' men who Odysseus had sent inland, and they ate they "honeyed fruit" which caused them to forget what they were supposed to be doing. None of Odysseus' men died, they were just dragged back to the ship where they continued their journey. 
    • Polyphemus- Odysseus blinded Polyphemus and then stupidly told him his name and so Polyphemus set a curse on Odysseus. Poseidon then seeks revenge on Odysseus since Polyphemus is his son.
    • Laestrygonians- Antiphates is the king of the Laestrygonians who pounces on one of Odysseus' men to eat him for dinner. Three of Odysseus' men dies which he sends to go and investigate the island. As soon as Odysseus sees all of the Laestrygonians heading towards his ships, he sets off immediately, leaving his three men behind.
    • Sirens-  The Sirens are singers who bewitch men who pass them with their deallthy voices. Odysseus and his men row next to the Sirens and plug their ears with softened beeswax whilst Odysseus is tied to the mast of the ship so that he can hear the sirens voices but he wont be lured to his death by his temptation to go to them. 
    • Scylla- Scylla is a six, scrawny necked creature who is opposite Charybdis. Scylla kills six of Odysseus strongest, ablest men when the rest of Odysseus' crew are busy paying attention to Charybdis. 
    • Charybdis- Charybdis is a whirlpool opposite Scylla who is "like a cauldron on a blazing fire"
  • Odysseus' crew- Odysseus' crew don't listen to Odyssseus when he tells them what to do. For instance when Odysseus tells them not to touch the bag of wind and they do it anyway out of their own curiosity. 
  • Magic- Magic such as Circe turning Odysseus' men into pigs is threatening as only the gods can override the magic which threatens Odysseus.
  • The Suitors- the Suitors threaten Odysseus as they threaten to take his wife and his home before he returns back to Ithaca. They could take away his kingdom which means so much to him. 
  • Eurycleia, Argus- they threaten him because they could recognize who he was and let his guard down which would make him vulnerable because of the suitors. 
  • Weather/ Sea- the gods control the weather and so Odysseus is threatened by the thought of losing his kleos by dying at sea, as then there would be no legacy for his family to carry about him. 
  • Women- Circe and Calypso especially are threats to Odysseus as Odysseus is sexually desired to them. Odysseus has sex with both of the women, and both of them make it clear that they want him to stay with them rather than going home to Ithaca.
  • ODYSSEUS- Odysseus is the most poignant threat to himself as he is the one who is the most adventurous and curious. 
    • Crew- 
      • Odysseus doesn't tell his crew members why they cant touch Hyperion's cattle and what the consequences would be if they did kill the cattle. 
      • He also doesn't tell the men that the bag was full of wind, instead he stays up for as long as he can protecting the bag, making the crew members more and more suspicious and so when he eventually does fall asleep his crew members open the bag of wind which making his ship go all the way back to Aeolia. 
      • Odysseus doesn't tell his men about Scylla in fear that they might stop rowing and huddle underneath the boards instead. 
    • His sense of adventure-
      • He doesnt need to stop at the Circones or the Lotus Eaters as he has only just left Troy and therefore will have plently of supplies and so there is no need to stop at Ismarus. 
      • Even though Circe tells him not to arm himself to fight Scylla, Odysseus does anyway.
      • It is his fault Polyphemus is blinded as he was the one who was greedy for hospitality and so went to Polyphemus' cave expecting to receive hospitality. 

Saturday 2 May 2015

The Odyssey- Book 14 (IN EUMAEUS' HUT)

  • Odysseus followed a rough track leading to the woods, following the route which Athene gave him where at the end he would find the swineherd Eumaeus. 
  • He found him sitting in the porch of his hut in the farmyard. 
  • Around him there were twelve sites which Eumaeus had made himself to protect his masters pigs when he went to Troy. 
  • There were three-hundred and sixty swines which were kept outside and guarded every night by four savage gods. 
  • When he saw Eumaeus he was shaping a pair of sandals made out of leather to his feet. 
  • They baying dogs caught sight of Odysseus and flew at him barking loudly. Odysseus had the sense to get down and drop his staff. 
  • The swineherd dashed through the gate upon hearing the noise and shouted at the dogs sending them away. 
  • Eumaeus then addressed Odysseus (unknowingly that it was Odysseus as he was disguised as a beggar) and asked him to go with him to his hut as when he is there he can have all of the bread and wine he could possibly want. Eumaeus then tell Odsseus that he is to tell him where he has come from and what his troubles have been. 
  • Eumaeus the led the way to his hut and let Odysseus in. He sat Odysseus down on some brushwood which he covered in the shaggy skin of a wild goat serving as his own mattress. 
  • Odysseus was grateful for Eumaeus' hospitality and spoke out to Zeus and the other gods "grant you your dearest wish for recieving me so kindly". 
  • Eumaeus replies saying that it would not have been right for him to tunr away someone who is in need of his help. He then tells the beggar Odysseus that his master is misfortuned as "the gods have set their faces against his return". 
  • Eumaues then starts to bitch about Helen, as she is the reason why  his master had to go away in the first place and "she has been the death of many a good man". 
  • Eumaeus then stopped talking and selected two of the pigs, carried them in and slaughtered both of them. He then signed them, chopped them up and skewered them. Once he has roasted the meat he put it in front of Odysseus, sprinkled it with white barley meal and then mixed some mellow wind in a wooden bowl.
  • Eumaeus then sat down opposite Odysseus and asked him to eat some of the pig which he has prepared for him. he then goes on to explain how the suitors eat most of the fattened pigs yet the gods done do anything to stop this from happening. 
  • He goes on to tell Odysseus about how his "master" was "enormously rich" and no one was up to his standard. 
  • Whilst Eumaeus was talking Odysseus ate all of his food and drunk the wine without making any comment as his brain was toying with the idea of what he would do to get revenge on the suitors. 
  • Odysseus then asked Eumaeus who had brought him and who was the master which he was talking about (obviously fishing for compliments ) as he could give him news of the man. 
  • Eumaeus tells Odysseus that many people have dresses up as beggars and said they ahve news on Odysseus when really they dont, they just want Penelope's hand in marriage.
  • He goes on to tell Odysseus that his master is "dead and gone" and his death has brought nothing but grief for his friends and family, especially to Eumaeus as he will never find such a kind master again. "I still call him my beloved master". 
  • Odysseus replies saying that "I will not merely state that Odysseus is coming back, I will swear to it" telling him that Odysseus will be home within the next month and will punish anyone who dishonours I his wife and his noble son. 
  • Eumaeus replies saying that Odysseus wont be coming home again so they should just drink in peace and move the conversation on. Eumaeus then breaks the news to Odysseus that the suitors are planning to ambush Telemachus on his way home from Pylos. 
  • Eumaues then asks Odysseus who he is and where he comes from and how he ended up in Ithaca. 
  • Odysseus makes up the story that he is from Crete and is the son of a rich man. He says that he won a wife from a rich family who own a lot of land. He makes up that he fought at Troy and afterwards spent a month with his children and wife at home before he sailed to Egypt. He siad that when he got to Egypt they were having trouble themselves and so when he saw the Kings chariot and clasped before his knees, kissing them. The king pities Odysseus and soared his life. And shave Odysseus the seat beside him. Odysseus tells Eumaeus that he then spent several years in Egypt making a fortune and then one day managed to persuade the king to let him go on a voyage to Phoenicia. As they were passing Sound of Crete, Poseidon send them a storm and they ended up on the coast of Thesprotia which is where Odysseus' beggar character first heard of Odysseus. Odysseus told Eumaeus that Odysseus had gone to Dodona to learn the will of Zeus. Odysseus then said that his crew were extremely against him and stripped him of his cloak and his tunic in replacement of filthy new clothes and when they reached the island of Ithaca they tied him under the decks and left to have supper on the beach but Odysseus managed to free himself from the ropes and they escaped them. 
  • Eumaeus then speaks saying that he feels sorry for him but why is there a need to tell such pointless lies? He goes on to explain that he is a hermit and never goes to the town except when Penelope invites him in. He says that he has lost all interest in questioning peoples news on Odysseus as one say a man from Aetolia told him that he has seen odysseus with Idomeneus in Crete repairing the damage which his fleet had suffered in Crete. He says that Odysseus would be back by autumn bringing back a fortune. 
  • Odysseus then says that Eumaeus has a "suspicious nature" but that if Odysseus does return Eumaeus will give him a cloak and tunic to wear ans send him on his way to Dulchium. 
  • However if Odysseus does not return he shall, tell his men to kill him to teach that the next beggar to not tell lies. 
  • Eumaues says that he would not kill him as it is a crime against the gods. 
  • The herdsmen then came up with their pigs and drive them into the sties for the night. Eumaues chopped some firewood with his sharp axe no to men dragged in a five year old hog. And held it by the hearth Eumaeus prayed to the gods of Odysseus' return before he struck the animal and slit its throat. 
  • The chopped up the rest of the meat and roasted it thoroughly.