Monday 18 May 2015

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 9

1. Refer back to book 8, where is Odysseus while he relates this?
The land of the Phaeacians (Scherie)
2. How does he feel about his home, Ithaca?
He misses it
3. Which two females have detained him on his way home?
Calypso and Circe
4. What mistake did Odysseus' "fools of men" make at Ismarus?
They refused to escape when Odysseus told them to and consequently six of the men died.
5. What happens to those who eat the lotus-fruit?
They forgot everything. "Those who ate the honeyed fruit of the plant lost any wish to come back and bring its news"
6. How does Homer deal with this situation?
"I had to use force to bring them back to the hollow ships" "once on board i tied them up and dragged them under the benches"
7. Quote the phrase that describes the Cyclops:
"a fierce lawless people" "who never lift a hand to plant or plow but just leave everything to the immortal gods"
8. What is Odysseus' plan?
He picks the twelve best men to go with him to try and find the Cyclops.
9. What do they find in Polyphemus' cave?
Baskets filled with cheeses and folds filled with lambs and kids (penned). Well made vessels and pails and bows used for milking whey.
10. What do the men beg Odysseus to do?
To kill the cyclops
11. Why wouldn't he do this?
They wouldn't be able to escape the cave because the boulder over the door is so big.
12. How does Homer indicate the size of the stone which closes the cave?
"it was a mighty slab, twenty-two-or-more wheeled wagons could not shift such a massive stone"
13. What is unusual in the Cyclops asking his questions as soon as he notices them?
"are you cruising the main on chance"
14. What information does Odysseus carefully omit when introducing himself?
He tells Polyphemus that his name is "Nobody" and that he is an Achaean on his way home from Troy
15. Why does Polyphemus reject the pleas of a supplicant?
"we cyclopes care nothing for Zeus" "I would never spare you or your men for fear of offending Zeus' emity unless I felt like it"
16. What barbarous act does he commit before sleeping?
"He jumped up and reaching put towards my men seized a couple and dashed their heads against the floor" "he tore them to pieces to make his meal"
17. What does he have for breakfast?
More of Odysseus' men
18. What gift does Odysseus give Polyphemus?
Some wine
19. What gift does Polyphemus offer Odysseus?
That he will eat Odysseus last
20. What does Odysseus say his name is?
21. Give one horrid detail of what happens whilst Polyphemus sleeps?
"seizing the olive pole, they drove its sharpened end into the cyclopes' eye"
22. Give one horrid detail of the blinding episode?
"The scorching heat singed his lids and brow all round while his eyeball blazed and the very roots crackled in flames"

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 8

1. What's the name of the bard at Alcinous' palace?
2. What is the subject of the bard's first song?
The famous deeds of the heroes- the quarrel  of Odysseus and Achilles son Peleus.
3. How does this song affect Odysseus and why do you think this is so?
He drew the purple cloak over his head and began to cry- he didn't want the Phaeacians to see him crying.
4. What is the subject of the bard's second song?
Ares and Aphrodite- Aphrodite had an affair on Hephaestus with Ares, Hephaestus cunningly caught them.
5. What gifts does Odysseus receive from each of the 13 princes?
The princes gave him fresh cloaks, tunics and a talent of sterling gold. Eurylaus gave him a sword of bronze which has a silver hut and a newly carved ivory handle.
6. Why does Eurylaus have to make a special gift?
Because he undermined Odysseus and offended him
7. What is the subject of the bard's third song?
The stratagem of the trojan horse.
8. At what point exactly does Alcinous learn the identity of his guest?
When he sees Odysseus crying during the songs.
9. What is special about Phaeacian ships and what is the prophecy associated with them?
Poseidon said that some day the gods would wreck one of their fine ships on the misty sea as she came home from a journey- thats what the old king used to say.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 7

1. How does Athene protect Odysseus as he approaches the city?
She puts a magical mist around him to protect him from other peoples questions.
2. What special gifts have the gods given to the Phaeacians?

  • Poseidon
    • He favours the Phaeacians 
  • Hephaestus
    • "on either side stood gold and silver to watch over the palace"
  • Athene
    • "Athene has given them outstanding arts and beautiful skill"
  • The West Wind
    • "there is never a time the West Winds breath is not assisting here the bud"
3. Compare Odysseus' supplication of Arete with his supplication of Nausicaa in book 6 and account for the differences
Odysseus threw himself at Arete's knees whereas he was more civilised with Nausicaa. 
4. What help does Alcinous propose to give Odysseus? 
Alcinous proposes to give Odysseus a ship and crew to get him home under safety from the Phaeacians.
5. Which of Arete's questions does Odysseus answer and which does he not answer? 
"Who are you? Where do you come from? and who gave you these clothes?" He only tells her that he has just come from Ogygia. 
6. Read Odysseus' account of his recent adventures: what does he change? 
He doesn't tell the Phaeacians that Ino gave him protection 

The Odyssey questions and answers: Book 6

1. What does she look like?
beautiful and young
2. Show how well she knows and gets round her father.
She says she needs to wash clothes so he looks presentable for his meetings and so her unmarried brothers will find good wives.
3. How does she show courage?
She doesn't run away from Odysseus- however Athene was the one who gave Nausicaa the courage to not run away from the naked Odysseus.
4. What do we learn about the Phaeacians and their special status?
Scherie (where the Phaeacians live) is at the edge of the world and the Phaeacians come into contact with no other people. the Phaeacians are "godlike" and are favoured by Poseidon.
5. How does she show her good sense?
She makes Odysseus walk behind her to avoid gossip. She tells him the directions to Athene's woods and then ask somebody from the village where the palace is. She says that she wont take Odysseus there herself as the girls in the village like to gossip and will assume that Odysseus and her are together, she doesnt want to be in the center of attention.
6. How does she show Odysseus hospitality?
She gives him clothes and she invites him to her home.
7. References to marriage:

  • "her future husband no doubt"
  • "she was too shy to mention to her father the subject of marriage and all of its promises" 
8. How does Odysseus show his tact and good sense? 
He considers throwing his arms around Nausicaa's knees or keep his distance but he decided it would be better to keep his distance. He covers himself when he emerges from the bush towards Nausicaa. 

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 5

1. How is Odysseus introduced?
He is sat on the beach crying because he misses his home in Ithaca.
2. Why does Calypso agree to Odysseus' release?
Calypso is just a nymph and so she cannot go against the gods as that would be impious.
3. Calypso accuses the gods of hypocrisy. What reason does she give?
Because they can marry mortals yet she cannot keep and marry Odysseus on her island.
4. Read the domestic scene when Odysseus and Calypso are having dinner together. What is significant here?
The last supper- it is like the biblical story where they sit down and have their last meal together.
5. What do we learn about Odysseus' qualities and strengths in the raft building scene?
he is good at building- he is a handy man. A Greek audience would find this interesting as they were manual labourers and so they would understand how difficult it  is to build one. It adds to Odysseus' godlike qualities.
6. is this episode interesting to a modern audience? Why/ why not?
It isn't interesting to a monder audience as we rely on machines and not all of us are crafty and so we dont understand why Odysseus does it in the order he does. To the Greeks it was an art but to use its just another job.
7. What parts is played in this book by Poseidon?
He sends Odysseus a massive wave which will destroy his raft.
8. What advice is given to Odysseus by the sea goddess Leucothoe?
She tells him to take her veil and wrap it around his waist as it will protect him.
9. What help is given by Athene?
She sends him a good wind, and she gives him extra strength so he can hold onto the rock.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 4

1. What do we discover about Menelaus and Helens' stay in Egypt?
  • They were stranded there 
  •  They were offered good xenia
2. Who is Eidothee? Why does she help Menelaus?
She is the daughter of the Old Man of the Sea, she decieved her father by helping Menelaus.
3. What does the episode featuring the Old Man of the Sea (Proteus) ass to the poem?
It makes the story exciting, vivid and mysterious.
4. What does Proteus tell Menelaus about Odysseus?
"there is a third who, though still alive, is a prisoner somewhere in the vastness of the seas"
5. How do the suitors learn that Telemachus has gone to Sparta?
The man who lends Telemachus the ship, Noeman, asks the suitors if they know when Telemachus will return with his ship as he needs it soon.
6. What does the suitor, Antinous plan to do?
Ambush Telemachus.
7. How is suspense created at the end of book 4?
It leaves it on a cliff hanger.
Dramatic irony- we know the suitors plans to murder Telemachus but Telemachus doesnt know that he is in danger.

The Odyssey question and answer booklet: Book 3

1. How does Nestor show xenia to Telemachus?

  • He prepared a banquet 
  • Shared his stories with Telemachus
  • Doesn't ask Telemachus' name 
  • Has good manors
  • Made drink offerings to the gods
2. How do they recognize that "Mentor" is in fact Athene?
She flew away in the form of a vulture
3. Who travels in the chariot with Telemachus and where do they go? 
Pesistratus (Nestors son), and they go to Sparta
4. Evidence that Nestor has a god opinion of Telemachus? (kleos)
  • "Ah, my friend"
  • "What a tall and splendid young man you have become"
  • "I cannot help but look at you in awe: you talk exactly as he did, and I should have sworn a man could resemble him in speed"
  • "The future generations will sing your praises"