Friday 24 April 2015


  • Odysseus' tale is finished. 
  • Alcinous tells him that he is sure that Odysseus will return home without any further problems. 
  • All of Odysseus' gifts are packed in a polished box and so at the moment they are to drink the sparkling wine and listen to the minstrels song.
  • When Dawn appeared Alcinous went down to the ship and stowed away all of the gifts under the benches. 
  • They then returned to Alcinous' palace, where they sacrificed an Ox to Zeus, feasted and listened to Demodocus sing the music of his lyre. 
  • Whilst everyone else were enjoying the mew, Odysseus kept on longing to be on his way home. 
  • Odysseus asks that the gods in heaven bless the Phaeacians as they have given him a way of getting home and offered him very good gifts. 
  • In reply Alcinous tells Pontonous to get some wine so that they can make a wine offering to Zeus before they see off Odysseus. 
  • As they headed down for the ship the young nobles took hold of Odysseus' baggage and stowed it in the "polished ship". Then they spread a rug and sheet on the deck for Odysseus himself so that he might enjoy some sleep. Odysseus then climbed on board and laid down. 
  • Then the ship left Scherie and headed towards Ithaca. 
  • The Phaeacians mounted the beach with the ship and lifted Odysseus who was still sleeping out of the ship on his rug. They then took out all of the treasures and then they set out for home. 
  • Poseidon then turns around to Zeus and says that the immoral gods will lose respect for him now that the Phaeacians don't respect him. To which Zeus replies telling him that its not true that the other gods don't respect him. Poseidon says he respects Zeus but he wishes to destroy the Phaeacians ship and punishment for helping Odysseus return home and that he will fence the Phaeacians with high mountains., Zeus replies telling him that he can do what he wants but putting the mountains around Scherie is a bit over the top. 
  • As the Phaeacains were waiting for the ship to return they saw that it had stopped as they were making it port. The Alcinous cries out saying that his fathers prophecies had come true that Poseidon would one day wreck one of their fine ships as it was returning from a journey and they encase the Phaeacian island with the mountains. 
  • The Phaeacian people then gathered around the altar and interceded with Poseidon. 
  • Odysseus has now woken up on his native land but after so long he fails to recognise it because Athene had thrown a magical mist over it to make Odysseus unrecognisable. 
  • Odysseus then stands up and cried out "whos country have I come to this time"
  • He then checked the gifts which Alcinous gave to him (the fine tripods, the cauldron, his gold and woven fabrics) and not a single item was missing. 
  • Athene now appeared disguised as a young shepard. Odysseus asks her where he is and who lives here to which Athene replies saying that he is in Ithaca to which Odysseus replies with excitement. 
  • Odysseus lies to Athene about who he is and where he comes from so that the suitors don't find out. 
  • Athene smiled at him and her appearance changed to a tall, beautiful woman. She tells him that he was an "obstinate, cunning and irrepressible intriguer"she tells him he isnt willing to drop the lying tales which he loves to tell even in his own country, she tells him that he didnt recognise the goddess who was helping him all along then she starts ti tell him what she has done to him. 
  • Odysseus replies saying that "it is hard for a man to recognise you at sight" he then goes on to see Penelope or Telemachus whereas other people would run off to find their family. 
  • Athene then goes on to tell him that she wasnt prepared to go against her uncle Poseidon. She then tells him that he is in the harbour of Phrocys. 
  • Odysseus was so excited that he was home that he kissed the soil of his homeland. 
  • Him and Athene then sat by the olive tree and started to scheme the downfall of the suitors. 
  • Athene then tells him that the suitors are after Penelopes hand in marriage, offering her gifts abd refusing to leave her alone. 
  • Odysseus says that he could come to the same fate as Agamemnon without the help of Athene, Athene then agrees to help Odysseus by disguising him beyond recognition. She tells him that he must first go to the swineherd as he is loyal whilst Athene goes to Sparta to summon Telemachus. 
  • Athene then touched him with her wand and withered his skin and covered his body with old mans wrinkles and dimmed the brightness of his eyes. She then turned his clothes into rags and threw a hide of a nimble stag over his back. 
  • Then they both parted. Odysseus headed to Eumaeus and Athene to Lacedaemaemon where Telemachus is. 

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