- As soon as they woke up Alcinous took Odysseus to the place by the ships where the phaeacians hold their assemblies.
- "They sat down side by side on polished seats of marble"
- Meanwhile Athene went through town disguised as a herald from Alcinous and gave messages to the towns citizens.
- She told the citizens to follow her to the assembly where the stranger to their city is, she adds that he looks "like an immortal god"
- Her words acted as "inspiration and encouragement" to the Phaeacians.
- As she said the citizens went to the assembly place and filled up the seats "many eyes were fixed in admiration on Laertes keen-witted son".
- Athene gave Odysseus divine beauty and made him taller and broader.
- When they had all assembled Alcinous addressed them saying he does not know Odysseus' name or where he is from but they are to make immediate arrangements for his return to his homelands as he has come begging for help. He asks a crew of 52 to step forward to take him home and the rest of the people to entertain Odysseus back at his (Alcinous') palace.
- When Alcinous has finished his speech he told the princes to follow him.
- Alcinous set his squire out to find a minstrel to sing and entertain Odysseus whilst 52 men were chosen as the crew and headed towards the ship.
- The 52 men set up the ship so it was ready for sail.
- After all the men inside the palace had a feast the Muse set the bard to sing the famous deeds of the heroes "The Quarrell of Odysseus and Achilles son Pelus".
- As the minstrel sang Odysseus began to cry so he pulled the purple cloak over his head so the people around him wouldn't see him crying.
- Whenever the minstrel stopped singing for a moment Odysseus pulled down his cloak, wiped away his tears and made libations to the gods.
- Nobody realised he was crying apart from Alcinous.
- Alcinous stands and tells the captains and counsellors that now they have eaten together and listened to the lyre together they will now go outside and try various sports together as he doesn't want Odysseus going home without telling his friends about their wrestling, jumping and running skills.
- "There is no one who can beat us"
- they were followed out by a mass crowd of people.
- "There was no lack of fine young men to compete"
- Acroneos
- Ocyalus
- Elatreus
- Nauteus
- Prymneus
- Anchilalus
- Eretmeus
- Ponteus
- Thoon
- Anabesineos
- Eurylaus
- Amphialus
- Clytoneus
- The first event was a race. Clytoneus was the quickest.
- The second event was wrestling, Euryalus won it.
- Amphialus won the jump.
- Elatreus was the best at throwing discus.
- Laodamas (Alcinous' son) was the best at boxing.
- After they had finished their games Laodamas says he would like to challenge Odysseus as he looks like he has a sports physique.
- Laodamas then took to the center and told Odysseus that he would like the sports.
- Odysseus asks Laodamas why he is trying to provoke him asking him for a challenge himself. he makes the excuse up that he only wants to go home. That is all.
- Euryalus insulted him saying that he is more of a skipped of a merchant crew rather than a games man.
- Odysseus replies saying that he is no sports man but he will rely on his childhood strength and the skills which he has acquired whilst on his travels and therefore he will join in with their games after all (basically to prove Euryalus wrong).
- With this he stood up, removed his cloak and picked up the biggest discus- the ones which the Phaeacians never used as it was too heavy.
- "With one swing he launched it from his mighty hand, and the stone hummed on its course"
- Athene was in the crowd pretending to be one of them, she spoke out saying "the others are all in a bunch, but yours stands right out in the front" "none of the Phaeacians will make as good a throw let alone better"
- Odysseus was happy with her words and then said he would throw them further if any Phaeacian beat him.
- Alcinous replies to his complaints saying that they don't resent what he says and he is naturally good at throwing discus. But when he is home with Penelope and banqueting, he wants Odysseus to talk about how Zeus has given the Phaeacians certain skills which they have acquired from their fathers.
- The squire went and fetched the lyre for Demodocus and handed it to him.
- Then the dancing area was created wide enough for Demodocus' performance.
- As Demodocus played the lyre, boys danced around him, filling Odysseus with admiration.
- The bard started singing about Ares and Aphrodite:
- The song is about how Aphrodite is having an affair with Ares in her husbands (Hephaestus) palace.
- One day the Sun saw the affair taking place and wold Hephaestus who went straight forward to make evil plans against them. He set up a trap on his bed which hung like a spiders web. When he had set up the trap he went to Lemnos. Ares had been watching and saw Hephaestus leaving the house, he then sneaks in with a passionate desire for Aphrodite. Ares told Aphrodite he wanted to go to bed with her immediately. As soon as they got into bed together the netting fell onto them so they couldn't move a limb. There was no escpae for them. The Sun gave Hephaestus the word that they has been caught and so Hephaestus made his way home in anguish. When he saw them trapped under the netting he cried out in anger to the gods. He called Zeus basically bitching about Aphrodite being unfaithful, he calls Aphrodite a "brazen bitch" who is the "slave of her passions". Hermes, Poseidon and Apollo cam up to Hephaestus and laughed at Aphrodite and Ares. They gods said that it may have taken time but Ares will finally pay for his adultery. As Hephaestus undid the netting which covered them, Ares fled to Thrace and Aphrodite to Phapos (in Cyprus).
- That was the song the minstrel sang to Odysseus.
- After this Alcinous ordered Halius and Laodamas to dance by themselves as no one else could compete with them.
- Odysseus turns to Alcinous and says he marvels at the dancers.
- Alcinous says that Euryalus needs to apologise for what he said to Odysseus and gives him a personal apology as well.
- Euryalus gave a bronze sword as a gift to Odysseus.
- he laid the sword in Odysseus' hands and said "I salute you" he apologised if he offended Odysseus and wishes that he gods will grant his successful return home.
- Odysseus carried all of his gifts back to Alcinous' palaces where Alcinous' sons took them and placed them at their mothers feet.
- Arete told her maid to put a large 3-legged cauldron on the fire and heat up some water. She them brought out a chest filled with the clothing gifts which the people of Phaeacia had made for Odysseus.
- the housekeeper invited Odysseus for a bath. they oiled and bathed Odysseus- it was the first time he had bathed in ages as he didn't have on on Ogygia with Calypso either.
- After he had had his bath he dressed in a fine tunic and joined the men for wine.
- Nausicaa was stood by one of the pillars that supported the roof and wished him luck. She also wished that he remembered her when he is back in his own country.
- Odysseus replies saying he too prays he gets home quickly, but he also wishes the rest of her days in divinity as it was her who gave him back his life.
- Odysseus went and sat down next to Alcinous waiting for the food to be served to them.
- Odysseus tells Demodocus to stop playing the tuneful lyre and the bard to stop singing so they can all be merry again.
- Alcinous asks him where he has actually travelled and where his home is. Who his friends are and who he is.
Monday, 19 January 2015
The Odyssey - Book 8 (THE PHAEACIAN GAMES)
Saturday, 17 January 2015
The Odyssey - Book 7 (THE PALACE OF ALCINOUS)
- Odysseus prayed in Athene's grove as Nausicaa traveled to the city.
- When Nausicaa entered the palace her brothers "looking like immortals" unharnessed the mules from her cart and carried the clothes indoors for her.
- She went to her own apartment where Eurymedusa (her waiting woman) had lit a fire for her.
- Eurymedusa had been brought by a ship from Aperaea and was selected as a prize for Alcinous.
- Eurymedusa nursed Nausicaa at home and lit fires/ prepared her meals for her.
- Odysseus then began to head towards the town.
- Athene "enveloped him in a thick mist" so a "high-headed" Phaeacian would insult him by asking who he was.
- As Odysseus was about to enter the town Athene, in the disguise of a young girl carrying a pitcher, stopped infront of him.
- Odysseus asked Athene if she knew the way to the Alcionous' house as he is a stranger in Phaeacia.
- Athene replied saying she'll show him as it is close to her fathers house. She told him that he is to follow her but not say a word and ask no questions as the people in Phaeacia has little affection for strangers and "they do not welcome visitors with open arms"
- Athene quickly led the way and Odysseus quickly followed behind.
- "The Phaeacians, those famous seamen failed to observe him as he passed them by on his way through the town" because Athene shed a magic mist around "her favourite" in concern for his safety.
- As they walked Odysseus was admiring the settings- "harbours with their trim ships" "meeting place of the sea lords" "long and lofty walls surmounted by palisades" "presenting a wonderful sight".
- When they reached the palace Athene told him that he will find princes whom are favourites of Zeus feasting. She told him to go straight in as there will be no worries. As it is "the bold man who always succeeds in his in his enterprises even if he comes from far away"
- She goes on to tell him that Nausithous (the son of Poseidon and Periboea) became the king of the Phaeacians. Nausithous has two sons, Rhexenor and Alcionous. Apollo killed Rhexenor with his silver bow, not long after Rhexenor married- he did not have a son but he had a daughter; Arete. Alcionous married Arete.
- She tells Odysseus that if he becomes friends with Arete then he can hope to see his friends again in Ithaca.
- Athene then left Scherie and went to Marathon (Athens) and entered the palace of Erechtheus.
- Odysseus approached Alcinous' palace "his heart was filled with varied emotions and he kept on stopping before he reached the bronze threshold"
- Alcinous' palace: "The interiors of the well built mansion was guarded by golden doors hung on posts of silver which were set in the bronze threshold".
- Hephaestus has made the palace.
- "Golden statues of youths, fixed on solid pedestals, held flaming torches in their hands to light the banqueters in the hall by night"
- There were woven tapestries on the walls as "the Phaeacians' extraordinary skill in handling ships at sea is matched by the dexterity of their womenfolk at the loom, for Athene has given them outstanding skill in beautiful crafts and fine intelligence"
- Outside the entrance to the courtyard there was four acres of pear and pomegranates, apples, "luxuriant olives" and sweet figs. In the same area there was a fruitful vineyard.
- Odysseus entered the palace where councellors and captains were pouring libations from their cups to Hermes. "It was their custom to pour the last cup to him before retiring to bed"
- Odysseus walked straight up the hall- still wrapped in the magic mist which Athene has wrapped around him until he reached Arete and Alcinous.
- Odysseus threw his arms around Arete's knees and at the same time his magic mist went away and the sight of this mysterious man made the banqueters silent. "They stared at Odysseus in amazement while he made his petition".
- Odysseus talks to Arete saying that he comes as a suppliant to her husband and that he wishes them happiness for life and that they are honoured by all. Then he asks if he can have an escort back to his own country as soon as possible as he has lived through many hardships far from his friends and home.
- The silence was broken when the lord Echeneus (a Phaeacian elder "rich in the wisdom from his forefathers") made his counsel heard. He tells Alcinous that it is unlike his "royal ways" to let a stranger "sit in the ashes at the hearth" whilst he has guests around him waiting for his lead. He tells Alcinous that Odysseus should get up and sit on one of the silver chairs whilst the squires fetch more wine to make more libations to Zeus. And of the housekeeper should fetch Odysseus a meal .
- Alcinous listened to Echeneus and fetched Odysseus out of the hearth and sat him on a "tall polished chair" from which he moved Laodamas (his favourite son) out of.
- A maid came over to Odysseus and poured some water into a bowl for Odysseus to wash his hands with, and then pulled over a wooden table to put some bread and some delicacies on for Odysseus to eat.
- Alcinous told his squire (Pontonous) to mix a bowl of wine and fill all of the cups of the company as they will be making drink offerings to Zeus.
- When they had made their offerings Alcinous addresses the company, telling them that he wants a gathering of the elders to entertain Odysseus by sacrificing to the gods.
- They will then take up the matter of how they will ensure Odysseus a safe and speedy journey back home under their escort.
- He says they will keep him safe and guard him all the way home until he sets foot in Ithaca again, then it is up to Fate and Destiny.
- Alcinous then suspects that Odysseus may be one of the immorals who has come down from heaven, he gets confused as they have never used disguise before, they have always shown the Phaeacians their true identities.
- Odysseus quickly dismisses Alcinous' thoughts about him being an immortal in disguise. "I have neither the looks of stature of the immortal gods who live in heaven, but those of a human being".
- Odysseus insists Alcinous leaves him to eat alone as he can not ignore his stomach like he can ignore his heart. He says he will be "contempt to breathe again" when he has reached his homeland of Ithaca where he will truly be at home.
- All of the men applauded Odysseus' speech and agreed that he should be escorted home.
- After they had all made their libations they retired to their homes leaving Odysseus sitting next to Arete and Alcinous whilst the maids cleared the dishes away.
- Arete asked him lots of quesions first- "who are you? Where do you come from? And who gave you all of those clothes? Didnt you say you came here from wandering over the seas?"
- He tells Arete that he couldnt possibly tell her all of the problems which the gods have given him as there are so many (drama queen!) so he will only stick to her questions. He says "the awesome goddess with the braided hair" (Calypso) kept him on Ogygia, when Zeus struck his ship with a lightening bolt, killing all of his crew, and getting oDysseus to wash up on the Ogygia shore.
- He explains how Calypso let him go due to Zeus and for 17 days he sailed smoothly across the dea, but on the 18th Poseidon made the winds go against him which stopped him travelling in the right direction, and made him fall off his raft. Then he explains how he swam the coastline and that is how he ended up on their island.
- He then says how he slept under the bush covered in leaves as he was so exhausted from his journey, and then when he awoke he asked for the princess' help. He explains how Nausicaa gave him lots of bread and wine, bathed him in the river and provided him with the clothes which they see him standing in.
- Alcinous tells Odysseus that on one hand Nausicaa's judgement was wrong as she should have brought him home with her maids.
- Odysseus defend Nausicaa, telling Alcinous that she told him to follow her maids but he backed away as he was suspicious of the judgement which people would form of him and he didnt want Alcinous to become protective etc.
- Alcinous replies "my friends, I am not one to take offence for no good reason"
- He continues to say that he would much rather a man like Odysseus stay and become his son-in-law married to his daughter. "I would give you a house and riches" if he was willing to stay- basically he is trying to convince Odysseus to marry Nausicaa.
- "But none of us Phaeacians will detain you"
- He then says that he will let Odysseus leave with one of his best ships and some of his best men tomorrow.
- "Odysseus' patient heart was filled with happiness as he listened", he prayed to Zeus that Alcinous will accomplish all that he has promised and that his fame will never die. And that he will be able to return home to Ithaca.
- Whilst Alcinous and Odysseus were talking Arete instructed one of her maids to make a bed up for Odysseus. As soon as they had finished making up Odysseus' bed they invited him to retire.
- "The prospect of sleep seemed very sweet to him"
- "So the long suffering good Odysseus slept there in and echoing portico on a wooden bed. Alcinous lay down for the night in his room at the back of the lofty palace with his wife, who shared his bed"
Saturday, 3 January 2015
The Odyssey - Book 6 (NAUSICAA)
- As Odysseus slept under the bush, Athene came to the country of the Phaeacians.
- The Phaeacians used to live in Hypereie as neighbours to the Cyclopes. Until one day Nausithous took them and settled them in Scherie.
- There Nausithous put up temples for the gods, built houses and divided up the land for cultivation. However he met his fate in "Hades Halls" and now the "divinely inspired" Alcinous ruled them.
- "To his palace the right-eyed Athene made her way, intent on plans for the great-hearted Odysseus' return"
- Alcinous had a daughter called Nausicaa who was as "tall and beautiful as a goddess"
- Nausicaa was asleep in her "richly decorated room" with her two maids who were sleeping at either side of her door-posts.
- "The polished doors were closed but Athene swept through like a breath of air to the girls bed"
- Athene took the form of the daguhter of a ships captain named Dymas "a girl of Nausicaa's own age and one of her closest friends"
- Athene said to Nausicaa "How did your mother come to have such a lazy daughter as you?" as there were clothes all over her floor- "lying around neglected". Athene then goes on to tell her that she will soon be married and will need beautiful clothes in order to gain a good reputation with people.
- "Every nobleman in Phaeacia, where you yourself were born and bred, wants you for his wife".
- Athene tells Nausicaa to ask her father for a wagon with a couple of horses in the morning to take her to the city's wash-pool so she can clean her sashes, robes and bright rubs.
- After she has finished talk, Athene went back to Olympus "where people say the gods have made thir everlasting home"
- When she woke up Nausicaa was amazed by her dream and went through the palace to tell her mother and father about it.
- She found both of her parents in the house, her mother was "spinning yarn dyed with sea-purple" and she met her father on his way to join the distinguished princes at a conference.
- She then asked her father if she could take the fine clothes to the river and wash them- as he will need to wear clean clothes in the future for other conferences and there are 5 of his sons in the house "3 active bachelors" who will also need clean clothes to take to the dances with them.
- Alcinous told Nausicaa that it was fine to go, he told his servants to get her a "fine high-sided wagon with a hood to it".
- Whilst the servants were fetching the wagon and the mules and preparing them, Nausicaa fetched all of the clothes and linen which she was going to wash.
- Nausicaa's mother also packed some appetizers and delicacies to go with them.
- As Nausicaa got into the wagon her mum handed her some olive oil in a flask so Nausicaa and her ladies could rub themselves in it after bathing.
- "Nausicaa took the whip and the gleaming reins, and flicked the mules to make them start"
- Nauciaa's ladies came with her so that she was not alone.
- "They reached the lovely river with its never-failing pools, in which there was enough clear water always bubbling up and swirling by to clean the dirtiest clothes"
- They unharnessed the mules and let them eat the sweet grass.
- they then took all of the clothes from the wagon and began to tread them down quickly in the washing pools.
- They spread the clothes along the sea shore when they were rinsed until they had no dirt left on them.
- After they have bathed and rubbed themselves with the olive oil, they ate their meal by the riverside as they waited for the sun to dry the clothes.
- When they had all finished their food they took off their headgear and began to play with a ball, while Nausicaa sung and kept time for their game.
- As Nausicaa and her ladies folded the clothes and set out for home Athene arranged for Odysseus to wake up and see Nausicaa "who was to serve as his escort to the Phaeacian city"
- When Nausicaa threw the ball back to one of her maids, they missed it and it fell into the current of the river, as all of the ladies let out a shriek it awoke Odysseus.
- Odysseus sat up and wondered what was going on around him, and what kind of people are around him.
- he them emerged from the bush naked, "then he advanced on them like a mountain lion who sallies out, defying wind and rain in the pride of his power, with fire in his eyes to hunt down the oxen or sheep or pursue the wild deer"
- "Grimy with salt he was a gruesome sight, and the girls went scuttling off in every direction along the jutting spits of sand"
- Nausicaa was the only one to stand her ground as Athene put courage in her heart which "took the fear from her limbs".
- As she stood still "Odysseus considered whether he should throw his arms round the beautiful girls knees and beg for her help, or to just keep his distance and beg her with all courtesy to give him clothing and direct him to the city"
- Odysseus decided it would be best to keep his distance and then so started speaking with kind words in order to persuade Nausicaa to help him. He explains that he was at sea for 19 days, escaping Ogygia when the gods decided to land him on another unfamiliar island on his way home.
- Nausicaa tells Odysseus that she will take him to the city and tell him who they are etc. She tells him she is the daughter of Alcinous who is the source of the Phaeacian people.
- Nausicaa then turns around to her ladies and tell them not to flee at the sight of a man, "there is no man on earth, nor ever will be, who would dare set hostile feet on Phaeacian soil. We are at the edge of the world and come in contact with no other people"
- She goes on to tell her maids that Odysseus is an unfortunate wanderer who has accidentally ended up there and that they have nothing to worry about.
- The girls all stood together comfortign each other, until they had the guts to take Odysseus to a sheltered place where he could sit down as Nausicaa had ordered. On the ground beside where he sat lay a tunic and a cloak for him to wear- they also gave him some olive oil and told him to wash in the river before he got dressed.
- Odysseus stood in the water and washed off the salt which encrusted his back and broad shoulders, he scrubbed his head as well to get rid of the scurf left by the sea.
- After he had thoroughly washed and rubbed himself with olive oil he put on the clothes which the maids had lay out for him.
- Athene helped Odysseus out by making him look more attractive - changing his silver into gold
- When Odysseus sat back down by the sea shore he was "radiant with grace and beauty"
- "Nausicaa gazed at him in admiration" and said to her maids that him arriving to Phaeacia was not opposed to the gods at all, and in fact he now looks like one of the gods in heaven. "I wish I could have a man like him for my husband" she then tells her maids to get something for him to eat and drink.
- Her maids at once carried out her orders and fetched food and drink for Odysseus, who ate it quickly as it was a long time since he ate properly.
- After folding the clothing up and putting it into her wagon, Nausicaa stowed her wagon and called back to Odysseus telling him to follow her wagon with her maids and she will direct him to her fathers house.
- Nausicaa tells Odysseus how she does not want any gossip spread about her, and how she does not want a bad name for herself and so she gives him directions on when to stop following her. She says he needs to go by the wood of Athene and wait for Nausicaa to drive off, then when he thinks she has probably reached the palace he is to head into the city and ask for directions to the palace. She said it is an easy palace to recognise "any little child could show it to you" as the palace is built differently to the rest of the buildings.
- She tells him to walk through the courtyard and through the great hall until he reaches her mother who will be sat spinning yarn by her fathers throne. He is to clasp her mothers knees and if she is sympathetic towards him he can expect to see his friends again.
- "When she has finished, Nausicaa used her shiny whip on the mules, and they soon left the flowing river behind them"
- Once they reached the sacred place of Athene, Odysseus sat down and prayed to Athene. He prayed that the Phaeacians would receive his with greatness and kindness"
- Athene heard his prayers but refrained from appearing before him
Thursday, 1 January 2015
The Odyssey - Book 5 (CALYPSO)
- Athene reminds all of the gods on Odysseus' misfortunes, she makes the gods feel sorry for him.
- Zeus tells Athene she is able to guide Telemachus home without being harmed by the suitors.
- Zeus tells Hermes to tell "the nymph" Calypso that Odysseus is to return home, but he will have no gods of men to help him home.
- "He shall set out on a raft put together by his own hands, and on the twentieth day reach Scherie, the rich country of the Phaeacians.
- Zeus explains how the Phaeacians will look after Odysseus and give him a ship, bronze and gold and woven goods to prepare him for his voyage home.
- Hermes flew over the sea until he reached Calypso's island.
- He found Calypso on the island of Ogygia "singing with her beautiful voice" "weaving with a golden shuttle"
- "The cave was sheltered by a copse of alders" "Trailing around the mouth of the cavern was a thriving garden vine"
- "It was indeed a spot where even an immortal visitor must pause to gaze in wonder and delight"
- Odysseus was "sitting disconsolate on the shore" crying whilst looking across the sea.
- Calypso say Hermes down on a "brightly polished chair" and asked him what he was doing on her island, but she offers him hospitality first.
- Calypso fed him some ambrosia and a cup of red nectar, Hermes began to eat and drink, after he had finished he answered Calypso's questions.
- Hermes tells Calypso that Zeus has sent him- he wouldn't have come at his own accord.
- Hermes explains how Zeus wants Calypso to let go of "the man who has been dogged by misfortune" as he is not doomed to end his days on the island, he is destined to go home and live with his friends and family.
- Calypso get angry- stating how it is unfair that they are outraged if a goddess sleeps with a man, even if she has chosen him as her husband. She reminds Hermes that she was the one who saved Odysseus.
- Hermes told Calypso to let him go immediately and then he flew off and left.
- Calypso went to Odysseus to tell him about letting him go, but she found him sitting on the short "eyes wet with weeping as they always were" "he shed for his lost home" Calypso stood by him and said "don't waste any more of your life on this island". She told him to make a raft whilst she packed him bread, water, red wine and clothing.
- Odysseus explains how he won't trust Calypso unless she gives him her word.
- Calypso made "the greatest and most solemn oath the blessed Gods can take"
- They went back to the cavern together and Odysseus sat on the chair that Hermes had left.
- Calypso gave him loads of food and drinks that men consume - they helped themselves to the meal.
- After the meal Calypso asks Odysseus if Penelope is prettier that she is. Odysseus tells Calypso that "Penelope's looks and stature are insignificant" compared to Calypso's but Penelope is mortal whereas Calypso is immortal.
- When the sun went down they had sex for the last time.
- in the morning Calypso got dressed in her most elegant clothes.
- Calypso gave Odysseus a "great axe of bronze" - with a sharp blade, and a adze of polished metal.
- She took him to the farthest part of the island where all of the trees are.
- Odysseus felled 20 trees quickly.
- Calypso brought him tools which he used to build the raft.
- After he built the raft he dragged it to the sea on rollers.
- On the fifth day Calypso saw him off from the island.
- She had stowed two skins in his boat, one full of wine and the other of water, a leather sack of grain.
- Odysseus sailed for seventeen days and on the eighteenth he could see the Phaeacians country.
- Poseidon saw Odysseus sailing and it angered him "he marshaled the clouds and stirred up the sea"
- Odysseus started to worry, he doesn't want to die at sea because no one will know what he went through, he won't get to tell his story. "But now it seems I was predestined to an ignoble death"
- A wave crashed onto him and whirled his raft around and a huge gust of wind snapped the rafts mast in half, breaking the raft.
- Odysseus was weighed down in the water by the clothes that Calypso had given to him.
- He did not forget the raft.
- He scrambled onto the raft and sat in the middle- avoiding his death.
- Ino had witnessed the incident and felt sorry for Odysseus so she rose from the water and settled on his raft- she gave him a veil and told him to wind it around his waist for protection.
- Odysseus was scared it was a trap and decided not to take her advice to abandon the raft.
- Athene intervened and calmed down the winds to blow him in the right direction.
- Odysseus starts going over his options about how he will make it onto land when he was reaches the cliff.
- Athene put in his head to grab hold of a rock with both hands before he was hurt by the rugged shore.
- A huge wave caught him and flung him out to sea- tearing skin off his hands.
- Odysseus swan alongside the coastal breakers.
- Odysseus came to a fast running stream and prayed to the River God to let him take sanctuary in the stream.
- In answer the River God checked its current and made the waves back to make it easier for Odysseus to swim.
- He got out of the river and crept under a pair of bushes (one an olive and the other a wild olive). He covered himself with a blanket of leaves.
- "Athene filled his eyes with sleep to soothe his pain"
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